Monday, August 20, 2007

Chocolate Rain v. Mega Man 2

Odds are that if you have found your way to this isolated corner of the internet you've at least heard of the song "Chocolate Rain" which has meme'ed its way across youtube like a goddamn wildfire. Well if you haven't:

I guess I can get away posting this without going too OT since it does reference an interesting way to minimize breath noise in your vocal track. Well anyway, the video's author, Tay Zonday, has appeared on Jimmy Kimmel's TV show in a clip that is slightly less entertaining.

An effect of all meme is the spawning of copycats, tributes, and satirists. Not surprisingly, it is the third type of offspring that this particular vid has inspired. This one was of particular interest:

As you may know from a previous post of mine I am a bit of a video game fetishist. I also love the 8-bit music genre with all of my pixelated heart. Mega Man 2 happens to be the only game in the series that I owned and beat. So anyways, leave it to the internet.

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