Monday, October 6, 2008

A Bit of Free Association

Take it for what you will.

One rule in media that I have learned and am constantly relearning is that there are three tenets to production; fast, cheap, and good. You must choose two. My posit is that what is going on today is that "fast" is faultily being replaced with "volume" and that is making all things to suck when all of a sudden it appears you can grab all three. My goal is to grab none of those but instead reach for three different tenets; unique, rhythmic, important. Perhaps those three would be better described as; not spam, consistant, and not spam. And let me just say I have a much broader definition of spam than most other digital media professionals.

In an end note, the internet introduced a bit of the old "unpredictable" into commerce. Business hates the unpredictable worse than worker's rights. This is because it directly correlates to no known metric.

As the "Y" generations take over the markets in whole we will be confronted by the inherited thoughts of business, even from our peers. Our claim as the "generation that conquered social media" will not stand up to history, in the same way our parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents cannot claim any revolution. What we might accomplish is the elevation of social media to a useful platform. Many "twits" believe its already gotten there, but those people are nerds.

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