Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Favorite Obama Vid So Far

If you watch it watch it until 2:20. Otherwise don't bother

As funny as this video is I could not have a more profound connection to the underlying message.


Monday, October 6, 2008

A Bit of Free Association

Take it for what you will.

One rule in media that I have learned and am constantly relearning is that there are three tenets to production; fast, cheap, and good. You must choose two. My posit is that what is going on today is that "fast" is faultily being replaced with "volume" and that is making all things to suck when all of a sudden it appears you can grab all three. My goal is to grab none of those but instead reach for three different tenets; unique, rhythmic, important. Perhaps those three would be better described as; not spam, consistant, and not spam. And let me just say I have a much broader definition of spam than most other digital media professionals.

In an end note, the internet introduced a bit of the old "unpredictable" into commerce. Business hates the unpredictable worse than worker's rights. This is because it directly correlates to no known metric.

As the "Y" generations take over the markets in whole we will be confronted by the inherited thoughts of business, even from our peers. Our claim as the "generation that conquered social media" will not stand up to history, in the same way our parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents cannot claim any revolution. What we might accomplish is the elevation of social media to a useful platform. Many "twits" believe its already gotten there, but those people are nerds.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Blog Focus

Obviously it has been a while since I have posted on this little blog. In that time many changes have taken place in my life and career and I feel it is important for my voice's new direction to get a little bit of explanation. I am still working in the technical and creative world of sound on a daily basis but, as with many of my ilk currently and in previous times of financial troubles, am needing to branch out a bit. So, in short, I had to get a day job.

To my suprise, I am finding my new line of work suprisingly interesting. The best way I could describe the current position is as filling in the communication gaps for a small firm. This includes writing informational and technical literature, "media" outreach, and advertising research. Technical writing is fairly simple thanks to my experience at my old old job.

As for "media" outreach I have done a ridiculous amount of research on the subject. There are quite a number of tasty nuggets I have found in the blogosphere. Probably the most straightforward one recently has been Max Gladwell's post on PR 3.0 which addresses the problem of keeping my job directly. As for convincing management about such ideas, that's a different story. I find it easiest to repeat that the essence of public relations is relationships with those that have an audience.

Take a clue from Karl Rove and Winston Churchill. Keep repeating your message. The stiffs will get it after about a thousand times.